Most people must have asked themselves this question atleast once. Some even would have asked their
friends. Love and Lust are inextricably intertwined to be differentiated. But somehow you got to find a
solution whether to getting into a married relationship or just get into her pants.
You're in Lust if
You constantly look at her and think to rip of her clothes
Thinking of her only when you are horny
You fantasize other women
Can't control your Hotties-Centric mind & eyes even you're with her
"I gotta go" feeling immediately after having sex with HER
You're in Love if
She's always (even without her usual double coating on face. lol) beautiful to you
You want to be by her side always
You change yourself to be a better MAN
You feel amazing compatibility with her
Most importantly your willingness to wait for SEX.
Love is Long-term relationship built on trust, OTOH Lust is short-lived.
But at times Lust masquerade as Love. But still with the above few pondering points you can find the
difference yourself, Lust is Physical & Love is Meta-Physical.
Yeah and NAU its time to say

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